Mental Training for Children
Kids need roots & wings.
The world of mental training for children
Children are our future and deserve to lead a happy and self-determined life. If you would like to accompany them, this course is just the right thing for you. No matter if you are already working as an educator, if you want to change your career or if you want to accompany your (grand)children well through life.
“You can give your love to children, but not your thoughts.
They have their own.” (K.Gibran)
With the proven methods of mental training you work directly on the strengths and potentials of the children and prepare them well for life.
I offer you a large methodological case to pass on your knowledge in theory and practice in individual trainings and seminars. Choose your favourite topic and the appropriate target group, prepare your heart’s desire with the methods of mental training and inspire the children and young people.
Children’s mental training unfolds holistically on all levels. It moves the body, inspires the mind and lets the soul fly. I have created a comprehensive model with the Children’s Happiness Pyramid to support children and young people in an appreciative and structured way on their path through life and to meet their needs.
Die Tage mit dir und der Gruppe waren sensationell, habe mich sehr wohl gefühlt und es war wirklich wahnsinnig lehrreich und spannend, was für ein Potenzial in jedem Einzelnen von uns steckt.
Die Weiterbildung zum Kinder- und Jugend-Mentaltrainer ist eine große Unterstützung in meiner Arbeit als Trainer. Die Tools, die du mit viel Gefühl vermittelst, setze ich in allen Bereichen ein.
Im Lehrgang Kinder- und Jugendmentaltraining erlebst du Begeisterung. Du erlernst erprobte Methoden um Kinder in ihre Mitte zu bringen. Dabei haben deine Individualität, Intuition und Kreativität immer Platz. Es hat mir auch dabei geholfen, mehr im Einklang mit meinem Herzen zu leben. Ich kann den Kurs wärmstens weiterempfehlen.
Danke für den tollen Kinder- und Jugendmentaltrainer-Lehrgang! Ich hab Tränen der Freude und Tränen der Gerührtheit dort geweint, es war eine fantastische Erfahrung! Und bei meiner siebenjährigen Tochter angewandt, hatte ich mit Mentaltraining schon viele tolle Erfolgserlebnisse. Es war nachhaltig wunderbar! Danke!
Der Kinder- und Jugendmentaltrainerkurs war eine echte Bereicherung – sehr praxisnah und abwechslungsreich. Ich konnte sehr viele neue Tools lernen. Tolles Seminar, tolle Umgebung, tolle Menschen!
Wunderbar viele Methoden, Tipps und Hintergrundinformationen, ein Mix von Theorie und Praxis machten das Seminar spannend. Christian ist wunderbar, er ist immer gut drauf, man kann ihn jederzeit alles fragen und bekommt eine fundierte Antwort.
Mental Training for Children is fun
There are two things children should get from their parents:
roots and wings.
(J. W. von Goethe )
The Kids Happiness-Pyramid ...
… strengthens children and young people in an appreciative and structured way on the following 5 levels:
- The foundation “I am good” is formed by qualities such as self-esteem and love.
- The second level (“I am powerful”) is about experiencing self-efficacy and dealing with the 3 creative forces (thoughts, imagination, feelings).
- On the level “I am free” we deal with conflict resolution and relaxation.
- The level “I am happy” promotes, among other things, mindfulness and cooperation.
- On the last level “I go my way” we deal with endurance and motivation.
Holistic Mental Training for Children
The training offers you a full method case with all the classical techniques of mental training. So that you can work even more efficiently and easily, you also get the best additional techniques to work even more successfully and efficiently with children and young people…
However, we do not only offer very special methods, but also convey them in a professional way:
– high practical relevance and a lot of space for the application of the learning contents
– diversified didactic design of the lessons
– a lot of movement and humour are also included and make the course an unforgettable experience
Table of content
To awaken the foundation of a fulfilled life - in the children and of course in you.
Relaxation & Kinesiology
Emotional and physical balance as a basis for learning and good communication.
Concentration & Mindfulness
Serenity and inner strength as a basis for good handling of media and consumption.
Telling tales
Stories and fairy tales inspire the children and convey the basic ideas of children's mental training in a playful way.
Respectful communication
Expressing one's own needs and finding together to a good cooperation.
The power of thought
Children wonderfully manage to shape their lives through positive thoughts. They are a good example for adults!
Power of imagination
Children still think very directly in pictures and can therefore use the power of their subconscious particularly easily.
Games & Exercise
In mental training we use the most original form of learning - through moving and joyful play.
Course dates and location
Location: Vienna
Summer 2020:
2 x 3 days extra occupational
12 – 14 June 2020 (Fri. from 14 to 20 hrs, Sat and Sun from 9 to 17 hrs)
09 – 11 July 2020 (Thu from 14 to 20 hrs, Fri and Sat from 9 to 17 hrs)
and learning modules as blended learning (to be completed by the end of August)
Your investment
Your investment, including all course materials (script in electronic form), the examination fees and the diploma, amounts to € 1.350,-.
You are welcome to take advantage of the possibility of payment in instalments (without surcharge of fees or interest).
Training structure
The course Children’s Mental Training is structured as follows:
- Presence lessons (50 units of 45 minutes each)
- Learning modules with video learning (10 units of 45 minutes each)
- Peer group meetings (10 units)
- Internship (20 units)
- Diploma thesis (160 units)
- Self-study, assignments and presentations (100 units)
Total volume: 350 units
Advantages of holistic mental training for children
– Strengthening self-worth
– Living serenity and joy
– Learning to deal with emotions naturally
– Playfully developing the 3 creative powers
– Experiencing self-efficacy
– Learning to deal with conflicts well
– Persevering in one’s approach
– Creating rituals and structures for everyday life