
Intuition. Consciousness. Heart.

Your strong and creative partner in coaching ...

Coaching is an important step in shaping one’s own life well. For some challenges it is useful to have a professional companion at your side to find the best solution together.

Coaching makes sense!

If you are ready for the next big step in your life, I look forward to your call. In a free initial consultation, you will describe your concerns to me and, if you wish, receive a non-binding coaching offer for further cooperation.

“It is not the things themselves that worry us,
but our view of things.”

Christian begleitete mich in einer sehr schwierigen Zeit. Ich wusste nicht so recht, wo die Reise hingehen und auch nicht, wie ich konkret an die Dinge herangehen sollte, Durch ihn konnte ich “meinen persönlichen Weg” besser umsetzen. Er griff dabei auf ein unglaubliches fachliches und ganzheitliches Wissen zurück. Mit sehr viel Gespür, da ich selbst ein sehr feinfühliger Mensch bin. Danke von ganzem Herzen.

Margit Trimmel

Christian versteht sein Handwerk und erkennt, was gerade im Moment zu tun ist. Er schafft es,  in kurzer Zeit einem das Leben leichter zu machen. Danke dafür!

Andrea Isker

Whether private or professional issues – I appreciate Christian as a competent contact person who supports me when needed to work on personal (problem) solutions – whether indoors or outdoors! His life experience and many years of professional experience as a mental trainer & manager as well as his empathic appearance form the basis for the fact that I feel very much lifted and supported.

Thomas Reinelt

Life is growth through change …

… and we can actively shape this change. The important decisions in life should be made consciously and we should be well prepared for them.

We humans have similar needs as a tree to grow well:
We need a solid foundation and should therefore be well “grounded”.
We also need the right nutrients so that we can develop well. That means positive thoughts and perspectives, good access to our feelings and strengthening habits. An important step in coaching is to review our views and habits. This initiates the necessary change processes within us.

We also need enough sun, fresh air and clear water – in other words, good conditions for growth. If our professional or private environment does not offer this, a change in the outside world may also be necessary.

I see myself as a gardener who supports you to develop your full potential.

Everything you need is already within you.

My offer for you

  • Strengthening intuition
  • Learning to let go
  • Gaining clarity
  • Coming into your own centre
  • Actively shaping your own life
  • Changing the world positively with love

Are you ready?

… to take your life into your own hands?

… to change the way you think and behave?

… to stay on the ball with endurance and energy until you have reached your goal?

We are working on the solution...

We find the optimal solutions for you in coaching. You regain lightness and self-confidence and shape your life with new strength.

With the knowledge and methods of mental training, it is easy to recognize and change deadlocked ways of thinking and behavior.

"Competent, humorous & appreciative ..."

The success of our cooperation depends crucially on appreciation and me you have found a coaching partner who will accompany you competently.together we will shape the path to your goals, because …

“I believe in you and your potential.